Wednesday, September 27

Online Bride
After their first online contact several years ago,They
exchanged photos on the net,Followed by a cyberspace
Love affair.Subia Gaur an 18 year old Muslim Londoner
has no regrets about her marriage to Ashwani Gupta(21),
in New Delhi.
Books at
Author Noam Chomsky's 3 year old book shot to top of bestsller list after Hugo Chavez touted it at
the UN'S.Chomsky's 2003 book naemed as "Hegemony
or Survival".

Tuesday, September 26

AdSense to your Blog

First you must have an AdSense account,Sign up for AdSense
Then Sign into relevant blog click the TEMPLATE tab,Click
the AdSense tab.Then you can select the Ad Format you want.
Then You can preview your the SAVE tab,ThenClick
Republished button.Check your blog and see if the Google ads
are there.Then You may see public service ads. Reason is
Google has not yet crawled your site and still Your Google
AdSense application is not approved.So you have to wait for
1/2 days

F200,at 25knm per litre this car
which is made with a moulded
body is the most economical in
it's category.60km per hour with
Hydraulic breaks on the rear
wheels.Priced at Rs.450,000/-
including VAT.

The Ultimate Teen Magazine

The Ultimate Teen Magazine
All you young Ladies and Gentlmen hear's the latest
magazine to hit the market.ChokaoLAATe is the first
ever teenage magazine to be launched in Sri Lanka

History of Sri Lankan Stamps

History of Sri Lankan Stamps
First Stamp of Sri Lanka was issued on April 1st,1857.
It is evident that stamps reveal our culture,festivals and
leaders.There is an Interesting story behind every stamp
First Women Space Tourist

First Women Space Tourist lifts off in to

the space on 18 th of september.Anousheh

Ansari was aboard a Russian rocket heading

to the International Space Station.She was

the fourth ever space tourist,first ever women

space tourist

Working in space

Working in space
International Space Station is getting a new
addition. Astronauts from Shuttle Atlantis
are Installing the ISS's first new piece of
equipment in more than three years

New Planet is named

New Planet is named

Scientists have given a New name to a newly
discovered Planet.The New name is Eris.
Eris was called Xena as a codename before a
final name was given.Eris was first seen in
2003.Finally recognised in 2005.Eris moon
has a name,Dysnomia

Sunday, September 24

Jupiter's family keeps growing

Jupiter's family keeps growing

The roster of extended Jupiter's
family keeps growing,61 moons
at last count.

Ceylinco Insurance Wins Regional Awards
With it's"one and only"Insurance product,
Ceylinco Insurance was voted the most
innovative Insurance Company at the 10
th Asian Insurance Industry Awards 2006
held in Brunei.
For the Innovation catagory the company
beat HSBC International Life, American
Home Assurance

World Spice Festival

World Spice Festival
The World Spice Festival,Organized
by the Sri Lanka Tourist board last
year,is preparing to unleash it's sizzle
once again this year september 14 to
21.A spectacular highlight of the main
event of the Festival is the"Global Spice
Village" to be held on sep.15 and 16.

World Spice Festival Blog
My New Website
Comming Soon
Colombo Hilton
Leading first class hotel in Sri Lanka
With large choice of restaurants.