Monday, February 19

Adsense History

AdSense was developed by Oingo,a
small search engine company based
in Santa Monica founded in 1998
Oingo was then bought by Google
in April 2003.

Google AdSense

AdSense is an advertising program run
by Google. Website owners can join in this
program to enable text, image and video
advertisements on their sites.Adsense
can give you advertising revenue from
each page on your website/blog with no
additional resources.AdSense can deliver
relevant ads because Google understands the
meaning of a web page.Google utilizes
its search technology to serve ads based
on website content.With Google's extensive
advertiser base,Theu have ads for
all categories of businesses and for
practically all types of content, no matter
how specialized.Ads are also targeted
by geography,so global businesses can
display local advertising with no additional
effort.You can run Google ads on all or
just some of your pages.You can maximize
your revenue potential by displaying Google
ads on your website.Google puts relevant
CPC (cost-per-click) and CPM (cost-per-
-thousand-impressions) ads through the
same auction,and lets them compete against
one another.And you can use AdSense in
many languages.

Adsense for Search

Place a Google search box on your
website/blog, and you can start
monetizing the results from web
searches.You pay nothing to participate.
When people search the web from your
website/blog,the search results pages
shows up with ads,You get paid people
click on these ads.

Adsense for Content

There are 2 types of "Adsense for
Content" Ads(Ad units,Link units)
Ad units contain either text ads,
image ads or both.Each link unit
displays a list of topics that are
relevant to your page.

Ad units

Ad units contain either text ads, image
ads, or both. The ads are targeted to the
content of your page using contextual
and site targeting.AdSense can deliver
relevant ads because Google understands
the meaning of a web page.3 Ad units per
page can be placed in addition to the 1
Link unit on that page.

Link units

Link units help you to make the most out of
limited space. Each link unit displays a list
of topics relevant to the content of your
site.1 link unit per page can be placed in
addition to the existing 3 AdSense ad units
on that page.

Referral buttons

By adding a referral button to your site,
you can direct users to products like
AdSense, AdWords, and Firefox with
Google Toolbar.Our policies allow
you to place one referral button per
product, for up to four products total,
on any given page.

AdSense for feeds
AdSense for feeds is a version of AdSense
that runs on RSS and Atom feeds.

Sign up adsense

So it's Up to you,Start adsense or not???

Start AdSense

Becoming an Adsense publisher is simple.
All it takes is a single online application.Once
you're website/blog approved, Just Sign in
to Adsense account and generate AdSense
code copy and paste it in to the source corde
of your blog and targeted ads start showing
up on your blog.

AdSense application

How to fill Adsense form.

Website URL :
eg -:

Website language :
Select primary language of your blog

Account type :
Select Individual/Business

Country or territory :
Select Your country

Payee name :
Your full name(No Initials)

Address :
Checks will be and mailed to this address.

City :
Your city

State, province or region :

Zip or postal code :

Country or territory :

Phone :

Fax (optional) :

Email preference :
eg :-

Select Product/Products :
AdSense for Content (text,image ads)
or AdSense for Search (google search
box) both

Submit Infomation

After you Submit AdSense application.
Wait until your AdSense application
and blog/website approved(1/2 days).
Once you're application approved Just
copy and paste a block of HTML and
targeted ads start showing up on your

Adsense Ad Code

This is the "Adsense Ad code"(javascript
code/programming code/source code)that
you need in order to display "google ads".

Adsense code

Google currently uses JavaScript code
to incorporate the advertisements into
a participating website/blog.The AdSense
code is generated from within your
publisher account.This is the code
that you'll need to add to your pages
in order to display Google ads or
a search box on your web pages.
Please follow the steps below to
generate your AdSense code:

Go to -> Advertising Programs ->
Adsense -> Sign in to Adsense account
using your e-mail address and password.

Generate Adsense Code

How to Generate Adsense for Content code?
(Ad units and Link units)

1.Log in to your account :
Go to -> Advertising Programs ->
Adsense ->Sign in to Adsense account using
your email address and password.

2.Click the AdSense Setup tab.

3.Choose product - Adsense for Content /
Adsense for Search / Referrals

4.Choose Ad unit or Link Unit
Select Text Ads,Image Ads
and then Click Continue.

5.Choose Ad Formats,Colors.

6.Select Fill space with a solid color from
more options

7.Choose Ad Channels or create a new Channels

8.Click continue

9.Now you can view the "Adsense for Content"Ad
code.copy it and past it in to your blog.

Generate Adsense for Search Code

How to Generate Adsense for Search code?

1.Log in to your account :
Go to -> Advertising
Programs -> Adsense ->Sign in to
Adsense account using your email
address and password.

2.Click the AdSense Setup tab.

3.Choose product - Adsense for
Content / Adsense for Search /

4.Choose the style,colour of the
search box.

5.Choose search resulrs to be
open in anew window,that method
is nice.

6.Choose a Ad Channel or create a
new Channel,Click continue.

7.Now you can view the "Adsense
for search" Ad code.copy it and past
it in to your blog.

Generate Referral Code

How to Generate Referral Adsense code?

1.Log in to your account :

2.Click the "AdSense Setup" tab.

3.Choose product - Adsense for Content/
Adsense for Search/Referrals

4.Choose button style you want,
Click Continue.

5.Choose Ad Channel or create a new Channel,
Click continue

6.Now you can view the "Referral"Ad code.
copy it and past it in to your blog.

How to paste Adsense code

Copy the Asense code from your
Adsense Account.Sign in to your
blog Click the "TEMPLATE"tab,
Then click the "Edit Curent" and
then you can view HTML source
corde of your blog.Paste the Adsense
code anyware you want.

Ads after each post

If you want the AdSense ads to
appear after each posts, paste the
"Ad code" after the <$BlogItemBody$>


Paste Adsense Code Here

Problems with Adsense Code.

If one Adsense Ad will blink another
ad.Your problem must be,You have
not put the breaking space tag or

Adsense code 1

<br />
Adsense code 2

Basics of program policies

you're welcome to place up to:

- three standard ad units
- one link unit
- two search boxes
- four referral units for different products
per 1 page.

Web pages may not include incentives of
any kind for users to click on ads.
For example, your site cannot contain phrases
such as "click here," "visit these websites" or
other similar language that could apply to any ad,
regardless of content.

Publishers may not label the ads with text other
than "sponsored links" or "advertisements."

Ads must not be displayed on any page with
content primarily in an unsupported language.

Site may not include

Excessive profanity, Violence, racial intolerance,
or advocate against any individual, group, or
organization Hacking/cracking content
adult content ,Excessive advertising
Any other content that promotes illegal
activity or infringes on the legal rights of
others Pop-ups, pop-unders or exit windows
that interfere with site navigation, obscure
Google ads, change user preferences, or
are for downloads. Other types of pop-ups,
pop-unders, or exit windows may be allowed,
provided that they do not exceed a combined
total of 5 per user session and many more.

Go to google and read program policies,

Adsense Code Modification

Any AdSense ad code, search box code, or
referral code must be pasted directly into
Web pages without modification.

Webmaster Guidelines

In addition to the,program policies
AdSense participants are required
to adhere to the webmaster guidelines
posted at


Do not load pages with irrelevant or
excessive key words.

Do not participate in link schemes
designed to increase your site's
ranking or PageRank.

Ad Formats

Google AdSense Ad Formats

Text Ads,Image Ads,Video Ads,
Link Units,Referral buttons.

Note: If you want to serve Image or Vidio
Ads,Make sure to select an Ad format that
Support to Image and Vidio Ads.

Text Ad Formats

Leaderboard (728 x 90)
Banner (468 x 60)
Button (125x125)
Half Banner (234x60)
Skyscraper (120x600)
Wide Skyscraper (160x600)
Small Rectangle (180x150)
Vertical Banner (120 x 240)
Medium Rectangle (300 x 250)
Square (250 x 250)
Large Rectangle (336 x 280)

Image Ad Formats

When you want to serve Image Ads,
Make sure to select a following ad
Format in adsense setup.

Leaderboard (728 x 90)
Banner (468 x 60)
Wide Skyscraper (160x600)
Skyscraper (120x600)
Square (250 x 250)
Medium Rectangle (300 x 250)
Large Rectangle (336 x 280)

Video Ad Formats

When you want to serve Vidio Ads,
Make sure to select a following ad
Format in adsense setup.

Square (250x250)
Rectangle (300x250)
Large Rectangle (336x280)
Vidio ads will slow down your
Page Loading.

Ban Domains

If you buy a Domain/website of any pervious account,and you want
to run adsense on that website,You do not know is this
Domain is perviously Ban by google.You have to check this
Domain before pasting the Adsense Ad code in to this website,
which domain will effect your account.So Verify Ban Domain's
before using Adsense code in Websites

Google Publisher Tools

With Google's publisher tools, you can focus on creating
your content while we help with everything else, from smart
analytics to driving traffic to your site/blog.

Google Sitemaps

Whith Google Sitemaps You get a smarter crawl
because you can provide Google with specific
information about all your web pages.Simply
log in with your Google Account and add
your site's URL to get started.

Google Analytics

You can get infomation about exactly where
your readers are coming from which website,
country, state and city.

Google Adwords

With Google AdWords you create your own ads.
you only pay when someone clicks on them.
The source of all AdSense income is


Blogger helps you and your readers interact,
creating a sense of community.Creating Your Own
Blog is now easy,because there are web based
tools that make the blogging easy and simple.

Google Maps API

Add interactivity and community to your site
with Google Maps API Integrate your site's
data into Google's interactive maps and
embed them in your web pages with
JavaScript.You can plot points and lines
and display information windows with the
Google Maps look and feel.The Google
Maps API is a free (beta) service, available
for use on any website that is free to

AdSense Troubleshooting

Installing personal firewall software or ad blocking or
JavaScript disabling browser settings on your computer
may alter the appearance of Google ads may displayed
on your computer.

Turn off Windows Firewall

Click Start menu->
Settings/Control Panel/Windows Firewal->
Then Turn Off the Windows Firewal

Indian Adsense Bloggers

Jason S of India,Bangalore is a nice blogger.

Adsense ABC

Adsense Babies are welcom here.
You can learn Basics of Adsense
from this blog.

Adsense help

I'm a Adsense baby.
I'm New to Adsense.I learned to
manage my adsense account all
by my self.Now I can help you.
you can help me too.

Blogging ABC

Learn basics of blogging from my
"blogging basics blog"

Blogging Tips

Here areTips for those using Blogger.
visit my "Advanced blogging tips"blog.

Sinhala Blogging Tutorials

I'm developing a Sinhala Blogging
Tutorial.But Sinhala fonts are not
available in blogger.So I cant post
it to my blogspot blogs.I will publish
it in to my website soon.

my website

You can Sign up for Adsense here
fron this blog.

Some Adsense keywords will earn
you up to 25-40 $.


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